Channel: The Marty Riemer Show » Jacob McMurray
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09-23-2010 Marty Riemer Show PODcast

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We were looking at the calendar this past weekend when it struck us, September 18, 2010?!?  Holy purple haze!!!  It’s been forty years to the day when Jimi Hendrix died.  And what were we doing to commemorate?

Here’s what.  We would lift ourselves off the couch, brush off the Funyun crumbs, and place a call to Jacob McMurray, senior curator at the Experience Music Project, and invite him in to the pooooodcast!

But before we let Mr. McMurray showoff his curatorial chops on the show today, Marty and Jodi we discuss an initiative on this Fall’s ballot – Initiative 1100 – which would allow grocery stores in Washington State to sell liquor.  We raise a glass in toast!  But,in fact, there’s an insidious dark side to I-1100. Find out what it is on the poooooodcast!

Marty, Jacob McMurray from EMP, and Jodi

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